CD World 1998 January
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355 lines
* PROGRAM: Event.prg
* WRITTEN BY: Borland Samples Group
* DATE: 6/93
* UPDATED: 5/95
* DESCRIPTION: This program uses the Visual dBASE object model to create
* forms with event handlers that manipulate the properties of the
* form and its controls.
* The ButtonForm class creates a form which manipulates its
* pushbuttons.
* When you left click anywhere in that form, the pushbutton
* will move to that point, and its caption will change to show
* the current coordinates. You can also Ctrl-Click to
* make another button, and Shift-Click to align all the buttons.
* The SizeForm class creates another type of form. When
* you click and move in this form, its size will change
* as you move the mouse.
* Indicator messages are attached to events that don't
* have any actions attached to them. These messages will
* display in the Command Results window when the corresponding
* events occur. Messages display both for button events and
* form events.
* All properties are changed using event handling
* functions that are assigned to these forms.
* CALLS: Buttons.cc (Custom Controls file)
* SetCapture() (Windows API function)
* USAGE: DO Event
#include <Utils.h>
create session
set talk off
set ldCheck off
set procedure to program(1) additive
set procedure to &_dbwinhome.samples\Buttons.cc additive
extern CWORD SetCapture(CWORD) USER && for sizeForm
local bForm, sForm
bForm = new ButtonForm("Button Form","Click anywhere in the form to move button")
sForm = new SizeForm("Size Form","Click in the form and move mouse to resize form")
class EventForm(name, titleText) of Form
* Basic form with a pushbutton in the center
this.top = 0.00
this.left = 1.35
this.height = 11.22
this.width = 51.43
this.name = name
this.text = name + ": " + titleText
this.titleText = titleText
* custom properties
this.buttonCnt = 1 && Button count on this form
this.buttonHeight = 3.06 && Initial height and width for buttons
this.buttonWidth = 10.81
this.curHeight = this.height && Initial height and width for form
this.curWidth = this.width
this.totalRows = floor(this.height/this.buttonHeight) && Total allowed
this.totalCols = floor(this.width/this.buttonWidth) && rows, columns
* a button
this[1] = new EventButton(this)
* Events
* These are just some of the events you can detect in a form
this.OnOpen = {;ShowEvent(this.name,"OnOpen")}
this.OnGotFocus = {;ShowEvent(this.name,"OnGotFocus")}
this.OnSize = CLASS::OnSize
this.OnLeftMouseDown = {;ShowEvent(this.name,"OnLeftMouseDown")}
this.OnMove = {;ShowEvent(this.name,"OnMove")}
this.OnLostFocus = {;ShowEvent(this.name,"OnLostFocus")}
this.OnClose = {;ShowEvent(this.name,"OnClose")}
* Add sampleInfoButton -- defined in Buttons.cc
define sampleInfoButton eventInfoButton of this;
top 0,;
left this.width - 3.5;
sampleName "Event.prg"
procedure OnSize
form.eventInfoButton.left = form.width - 3.5
endclass && EventForm
class EventButton(f) of PushButton(f)
this.height = form.buttonHeight
this.width = form.buttonWidth
this.top = (f.height - this.height)/2
this.left = (f.width - this.width)/2
this.text = ""
this.fontname = "MS Sans Serif"
this.fontsize = 15
this.fontbold = .T.
* Events
* These are all the events you can detect in a pushbutton
this.OnMouseMove = {;ShowEvent(form.className+"."+this.name,"OnMouseMove")}
this.OnRightMouseUp = {;ShowEvent(form.className+"."+this.name,"OnRightMouseUp")}
this.OnRightMouseDown = {;ShowEvent(form.className+"."+this.name,"OnRightMouseDown")}
this.OnRightDblClick = {;ShowEvent(form.className+"."+this.name,"OnRightDblClick")}
this.OnMiddleMouseUp = {;ShowEvent(form.className+"."+this.name,"OnMiddleMouseUp")}
this.OnMiddleMouseDown = {;ShowEvent(form.className+"."+this.name,"OnMiddleMouseDown")}
this.OnMiddleDblClick = {;ShowEvent(form.className+"."+this.name,"OnMiddleDblClick")}
this.OnLeftMouseUp = {;ShowEvent(form.className+"."+this.name,"OnLeftMouseUp")}
this.OnLeftMouseDown = {;ShowEvent(form.className+"."+this.name,"OnLeftMouseDown")}
this.OnLeftDblClick = {;ShowEvent(form.className+"."+this.name,"OnLeftDblClick")}
this.OnLostFocus = {;ShowEvent(form.className+"."+this.name,"OnLostFocus")}
this.OnGotFocus = {;ShowEvent(form.className+"."+this.name,"OnGotFocus")}
this.OnOpen = {;ShowEvent(form.className+"."+this.name,"OnOpen")}
this.When = {||ShowEvent(form.className+"."+this.name,"When")}
this.OnHelp = {;ShowEvent(form.className+"."+this.name,"OnHelp")}
this.OnClick = {;ShowEvent(form.className+"."+this.name,"OnClick")}
endclass && EventButton
class ButtonForm(name, titleText) of EventForm(name, titleText)
* Create a form with a button that will move to new coordinates inside
* the form when the left mouse button is clicked (and some other funcky stuff).
this.statusmessage = "Click - move button, Ctrl+Click - copy button,;
Shift+Click - allign buttons."
procedure OnSize (nType,width,height)
local i, r, c, newBHeight, newBWidth, button, hRatio, wRatio
if height <> form.curHeight .or. width <> form.curWidth
form.OnLeftMouseDown(MK_SHIFT,0,0) && Align all buttons
hRatio = height/form.curHeight
wRatio = width/form.curWidth
newBHeight = form.buttonHeight * hRatio && Proportional
newBWidth = form.buttonWidth * wRatio && button height
r = 0 && and width
c = 0
for i = 1 to form.buttonCnt
button = form[i]
button.top = r * newBHeight
button.left = c * newBWidth
button.height = newBHeight
button.width = newBWidth
button.text = TRIMSTR(button.top) + "," + TRIMSTR(button.left)
button.fontSize = button.fontSize * (hRatio + wRatio)/2
button.visible = .T.
r = r + 1
if (r = form.totalRows)
r = 0
c = c + 1
next i
form.curHeight = height && Reset base height, width
form.curWidth = width && for buttons and current
form.buttonHeight = newBHeight && height, width for form
form.buttonWidth = newBWidth
procedure OnOpen
* Give button its location and font
procedure OnLeftMouseDown(flags, col, row)
* OnLeftMouseDown event handler for buttonForm
* Click -- moves last button to current location
* Shift + click -- aligns buttons in form
* Ctrl + click -- adds a new button at current location
private f, i, r, c, button, maxCol, maxRow, bHeight, bWidth, bCnt
bHeight = form[1].height
bWidth = form[1].width
if bitand(flags,MK_SHIFT) = MK_SHIFT && SHIFT key was pressed
r = 0
c = 0
for i = 1 to form.buttonCnt
button = form[i]
button.top = r * bHeight
button.left = c * bWidth
button.text = TRIMSTR(button.top) + "," + TRIMSTR(button.left)
r = r + 1
if (r = form.totalRows)
r = 0
c = c + 1
next i
if bitand(flags,MK_CONTROL) = MK_CONTROL && Create another button
*** create another button
this.buttonCnt = form.buttonCnt + 1 && Increase button count
form[form.buttonCnt] = new EventButton(form)
form[form.buttonCnt].visible = .F.
button = form[form.buttonCnt] && temporary reference, for easier reading
button.text = TRIMSTR(row) + "," + TRIMSTR(col)
button.left = col
button.top = row
button.visible = .T. && Make button visible only
&& after all changes to it have been
&& made.
button.setFocus() && So the status message would appear
endclass && ButtonForm
class SizeForm(name, titleText) of EventForm(name, titleText)
* Create a form that will get resized as you click
* the left mouse button and move.
this.top = 12.86
this.width = 51.43
this.height = 8.08
this.OnSize = CLASS::SizeButton && Resize the button when form is resized
this[1].text = "Button"
procedure OnLeftMouseDown(flags, x, y)
* Event handler for sizeForm.
* Makes the size of the form change depending on the location of the mouse
* while the mouse is pressed.
this.OnSize = .F.
SetCapture(this.hwnd) && Current window receives all mouse messages
&& Resize form and button as mouse moves
this.OnMouseMove = CLASS::SizeTheForm
procedure OnLeftMouseUp
* Event handler for sizeForm.
* Stop resizing the form while mouse is pressed and moving. Now assign the
* Button resizing to the OnSize event.
this.OnMouseMove = .F.
this.OnSize = CLASS::SizeButton && Resize button when form changes size
procedure SizeTheForm(flags, col, row)
* Changes the size of the form to reflect the current mouse position.
this.height = iif(row < 1, 1, row) && Make sure numbers not negative
this.width = iif(col < 1, 1, col)
function SizeButton
* Changes button to always be in the center of the form, and the same size
* relative to the size of the form.
local button
button = this[1]
button.fontName = "Serif"
button.height = this.height/3
button.width = this.width/3
button.top = this.height/3.03
button.left = this.width/2.55
return .T.
endclass && SizeForm
function ShowEvent(name, eventName)
* Display the object name in proper case, and the event that happened.
?proper(name), " -- ", eventName
return .T.